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DIY park equipments supplier

Categories:Outdoor playground

  • Play Events.:
  • At dream garden, We DIY all part equipments according to our client's specail needs.If you are looking for customized design for your unique park,please contact us at toymakerinchina.com

Product Detail

For most time,people are looking for something special for their Park or Playground. But you will be disppointed with normal design. 

At dream garden, You never will be. We specialize in the production of park equipments, providing different design schemes, customized colors, sizes, and styles. Our park equipments is mainly used in schools, shopping malls, residential areas, and children’s hospitals to bring children a play experience and growth process, so that the children’s physical and mental strength can be fully developed and healthy growth.

If you are looking unique design for your park,Please check it at toymakerinchina.com.Or contact us by Email: info@toymakerinchina.com. You always can finding something you like at Dream garden playground.

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AK 60175900 |

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