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Outdoor Musical Instruments For Playgrounds

Categories:Inclusive playground equipment

  • Play Events.:
  • Sensory play is crucial to every child’s development and growth. This product provides the following sensory play experiences:

Product Detail

Features and Benefits of Outdoor Sensory Play Panels
  • Designed by child development expert, Dream garden team in china

  • Provides sensory experiences for children and adults with sensory processing disorders, such as those on the autism spectrum

  • Colorful, translucent panels with textured shapes offer additional play experiences and aesthetic appeal

  • Parents and caregivers can view or join their kids for social interaction and intergenerational play

  • Can be configured to any size, shape, or design for easy installation in new or existing spaces

  • Reconfigure the maze after the first installation with the Dream garden® clamping system

  • Optional surfacing can be added to create even more fun and imaginative play environments

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