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Sensory play outdoor musical instruments

Categories:Inclusive playground equipment

  • Play Events.:
  • Outdoor Musical Instruments are a great way for children to play and learn. Dream garden supply a wide range of high quality, stimulating and colourful instruments that can be used by children and adults alike. People of all ages and abilities can play, explore and have inclusive fun in groups or solo. There is no need for any musical direction.

Product Detail

Outdoor Musical Instruments are a great way for children to play and learn. Dream garden  supply a wide range of high quality, stimulating and colourful instruments that can be used by children and adults alike. People of all ages and abilities can play, explore and have inclusive fun in groups or solo. There is no need for any musical direction or experience however the instruments are tuned and can create harmonious sounds. Any combination of the all-weather percussion musical instruments can be played together without effort. These instruments are perfect for playgrounds and sensory play gardens.

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