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Playground Components
Playground Components
DateTime: 2021/12/15 13:12:15  Posted by: Admin  In:   View: 2018

Most playgrounds encompass four main components; climbing, overhead equipment, swings, and sand and water play; each offering a different skill set development for children (Thornton and Frost). Climbing has long been established as a developmentally beneficial activity for children.

Dream garden playground designs each playground as a bespoke design and we offer a variety of component options.

Double Helix,Enclosed slide,open slide,large fiberglass slide


Hook slide,Corkscrew slide,small fiberglass wave slide,Large corkscrew slide


Hook slide,Large crazy slide,Large wave slide,Double corkscrew slides


Kids will tell you, slides are a must-have component for any great playground!

Plastic tube,Mini Bolster climb,Bolster Bridge,Tower climb


V NET, Netted tube crawl,small bolster climb, step climb


Netted tube,Tower climb,Netted floor climb,Large bolster climb,V net bridge,Vertical netted floor


We offer a large selection of plastic, foam and netting colors options.

Title: Playground Components
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